NanoBCA Celebrates the 20th Anniversary of NNI

Posted on March 1st, 2024 | No Comments »

Time flies! It has been 20 years since the NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) participated at the White House with President George W. Bush to sign the National Nanotechnology Initiative. On December 3, 2003 a group of scientists, engineers and American leaders gathered in the Oval Office to usher in a new era of American science and technology.

Join us and the nanotechnology community to celebrate with the Nanotechnology Anniversary Symposium on March 5, 2024! Our NanoBCA Member, Doyle Edwards, Director of Government Programs at Brewer Science will be participating in a Panel Discussion in regard to Responsible Development from 10:50-11:35am.

Enabling the Nanotechnology Revolution:
Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
Fred Kavli Auditorium
2101 Constitution Ave NW
Washington DC 20418


Scientists and engineers across many fields and disciplines are united by their work at the nanoscale. Their diverse efforts have helped produce everything from faster microchips to powerful mRNA vaccines. The transformative impact of this work has been spurred by the coordination and focus on U.S. nanotechnology established by the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act in 2003. Celebrating such a broad impact and envisioning the future can be quite challenging, but this event will bring together voices from across the emerging technology landscape. There will be experts who can speak on the importance of nanotechnology in quantum engineering, optics, EHS, plastics, DEIA, microelectronics, medicine, education, manufacturing, and more. We can’t predict what will emerge from this lively discussion between researchers, policymakers, members of industry, educators, and the public, but the conversation can only benefit from including more diverse perspectives – especially yours.

Once again, please join us for this historic event!

NanoBCA Webinar – Weds 2/21 2PM ET

Posted on February 19th, 2024 | No Comments »







2:00-2:05  Opening Remarks
Vincent Caprio
Executive Director, NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA)

T-ray in Action
Terahertz Cameraless Imaging Tool: Quantum Dots’ Interaction with Ionic Polymer – a Quantitative Investigation
Anis Rahman, PhD
Chief Technology Officer & President, Applied Research & Photonics, Inc.

2:05-2:20  EHS Update
Lynn L. Bergeson
Managing Director, Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.
NanoBCA EHS Chair

EPA Announces Experts for Letter Peer Review of TCEP Draft Risk Evaluation

EPA Accepting Comments on Candidates for TSCA SACC Membership

Register Now for B&C’s “FIFRA Hot Topics” Webinar on March 12, 2024, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (EDT)

2:20-2:45  NanoViricides’ Journey to Clinical Trials: What a Long, Strange, Trip it’s Been…
Anil Diwan, PhD
President & Chairman, NanoViricides, Inc

2:45-3:00 Q&A

3:00  Conclusion

Our monthly webinars address topics involving the relationship between the science of nanotechnology and Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS), US Legislation, Education, Finance, Manufacturing and Foreign Policy. One of the benefits of NanoBCA membership is access to our previous webinars with America’s leading scientists and engineers.



NanoBCA would like to share: What to Expect in Chemicals Policy & Regulation & on Capitol Hill in 2024

Posted on January 31st, 2024 | No Comments »

The NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) would like to share the slide deck and video recording of the What to Expect in Chemicals Policy and Regulation and on Capitol Hill in 2024 webinar from January 23, 2024.

Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.’s (B&C®) January 23, 2024, webinar, “What to Expect in Chemicals Policy and Regulation and on Capitol Hill in 2024,” is now available for on-demand viewing. During this one-hour webinar Lynn L. Bergeson, Managing Partner, B&C; James V. Aidala, Senior Government Affairs Consultant, B&C; and Richard E. Engler, Ph.D., Director of Chemistry, B&C participated in a lively, timely, and focused discussion on the state of play and how they expect things will shake out in 2024. This conversation covered expected U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) activities, Pesticide Registration Improvement Acta of 2022 (PRIA 5) implementation, proposed existing chemical rules under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), EPA prioritization of additional substances, and more. Watch now.

This webinar only scratches the surface of what is covered in B&C, The Acta Group (Acta®), and B&C® Consortia Management, L.L.C.’s (BCCM) Forecast for U.S. Federal and International Chemical Regulatory Policy 2024. This carefully curated and detailed document contains 111 pages of our seasoned team’s collective take on what to expect regarding global industrial, agricultural, and biocidal chemical initiatives in the New Year. We hope you find it helpful as you prepare for the year ahead.

Once again, we highly recommend viewing the What to Expect in Chemicals Policy and Regulation and on Capitol Hill in 2024 webinar.

NanoBCA Webinar – Wednesday 1/24 2PM ET

Posted on January 24th, 2024 | No Comments »







2:00-2:05  Opening Remarks
Vincent Caprio
Executive Director, NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA)

NNI Webinar on Nanometrology for Food, Agriculture, and Environment Will Be Held February 2, 2024
Bergeson & Campbell P.C.

2:05-2:20  EHS Update
Lynn L. Bergeson
Managing Director, Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.
NanoBCA EHS Chair

Forecast for U.S. Federal and International Chemical Regulatory Policy 2024

EPA Announces Automatic Addition of Seven Additional PFAS to TRI List of Chemicals

Law Library of Congress Publishes Report on Selected Issues in Biotechnology Regulation

ECHA Survey on Nano-Agrochemicals Will Close February 29, 2024

2:20-2:45  Small science, big impact on the U.S. economy!

Winston Kelly
Mr. Kelly is a senior consultant and strategic problem-solver with 8+ years’ experience in government administration, non-profit sectors, and public service. He is skilled in strategic management, program management, communications, facilitation, data-informed decision-making, research and writing, and organizational change management. He is a Master of Public Administration and an alumnus of the Presidential Management Fellowship (PMF), the flagship leadership development program for the federal government.

Sukumar Rao
Mr. Rao is an executive with significant experience in the areas of strategy, operations and technology across Government, Healthcare and Non-Profit sectors. Proficient in connecting organizational strategy to execution and managing performance to ensure strategic outcomes and results. Experienced in program management, performance improvement, organizational assessment and development, digital transformation, predictive analytics & data science, product strategy, Information architecture and data management.
2:45-3:00 Q&A

3:00  Conclusion

Our monthly webinars address topics involving the relationship between the science of nanotechnology and Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS), US Legislation, Education, Finance, Manufacturing and Foreign Policy. One of the benefits of NanoBCA membership is access to our previous webinars with America’s leading scientists and engineers.



Happy Holidays from NanoBCA/Water Innovations Alliance Foundation!

Posted on December 21st, 2023 | No Comments »

NanoBCA Webinar – Wednesday 12/20 2PM ET

Posted on December 19th, 2023 | No Comments »

NanoBCA Webinar
Wednesday, December 20, 2023







  Opening Remarks
Vincent Caprio
Executive Director, NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA)








Small science, big impact on the U.S. economy!

Register today! NanoEducators Quarterly Forum virtual meeting
January 31, 2024
6:30PM ET

2:10-2:20  EHS Update
Carla N. Hutton
Regulatory Analyst, Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

Registration Opens for NNI Webinar on Introduction to Nanometrology
Registration is open for the first webinar in the series, An Introduction to Nanometrology: History, State-of-the-Art, and Philosophy, which will be held January 5, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (EST).

House Republicans Seek Answers from EPA on Its Use of TSCA Section 6 Authority

2:20-2:45  20 Years of Nanotechnology – The View from the Materials Research Society
Sam Brauer, PhD
Founder & Principal, Nanotech Plus
2021 NanoBCA Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

2:45-3:00 Q&A

3:00  Conclusion

Our monthly webinars address topics involving the relationship between the science of nanotechnology and Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS), US Legislation, Education, Finance, Manufacturing and Foreign Policy. One of the benefits of NanoBCA membership is access to our previous webinars with America’s leading scientists and engineers.



Celebrating the 20-Year Anniversary of the Authorization of the National Nanotechnology Initiative | OSTP | The White House

Posted on December 5th, 2023 | No Comments »

The NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) celebrates the 20th Anniversary of the NNI!

In celebration of the 20-year anniversary of the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO) are announcing a series of events to drive U.S. leadership in nanotechnology.

For the past two decades, the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) has worked with more than 20 departments and agencies to advance a vision to understand and control matter at the nanoscale, for the benefit of society. Coordination across the government has allowed Americans to safely enjoy the benefits of nanotechnology, which has led to revolutions in technology and industry, including faster microchips, powerful mRNA vaccines, and clean energy technologies. Meanwhile, carbon nanotubes have improved the power and lifecycle of batteries; quantum dots make flat screen TVs more vibrant; and nanoparticles allow for faster medical diagnostics.

“Over the years, the NNI has dynamically and responsibly responded to the needs of the country,” said Dr. Branden Brough, Director of NNCO, which coordinates the NNI. “The initiative is a model for collaborative and thoughtful technology development, while supporting the rapid development of other emerging fields by creating the infrastructure and workforce development programs that bolster these growing industries.”

The NNI community will host a symposium on March 5, 2024 at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in Washington, D.C., to recognize the impact of research and development at the nanoscale and plan the NNI’s promising future. The event is open to the public. To learn more and register to attend, visit the symposium’s website.

This week, as we celebrate the Act’s signing, the NNCO will release a series of reports and stories that illustrate the impact of the NNI. This includes readouts from the Nano4EARTH roundtable discussions about applying nanotechnology solutions to address climate change, such as surface technologies, new batteries and energy storage solutions, and greenhouse gas capture approaches. Also, the NNCO will highlight a new independent study about how the U.S. nanotechnology community contributes tens of billions of dollars—and potentially hundreds of billions of dollars—to the economy each year. And, to highlight the importance of this growing field, NNCO will feature the stories of early-career scientists who represent the promising future of nanotechnology.

Additional events will be held during the coming months, including science cafes across the country, activities at local museums, and podcasts and articles in the media. For more information about these activities, visit the NNI website.

We would like to congratulate the Nanotechnology Community on our 20th Anniversary!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted on November 22nd, 2023 | No Comments »

Special NanoBCA/WIAF Presentation: Ed Youdell, FMA President & CEO, 11/29 2PM ET

Posted on November 20th, 2023 | No Comments »

NanoBCA Webinar
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) / Water Innovations Alliance Foundation (WIAF) is proud to announce that Ed Youdell, President & CEO of Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International (FMA) will be providing our members with a Special Presentation in regard to the State of Manufacturing in America on our November webinar. FMA unites thousands of metal fabrication and manufacturing professionals around a common purpose: to shape the future of our industry, and in turn shape the world. FMA produces FABTECH, North America’s Largest Metal Forming, Fabricating, Welding and Finishing Event. FABTECH attracts over 40,000 attendees and 1,585 exhibitors. Ed will be sharing his more than 25+ years of expertise in the Manufacturing Industry.





NanoBCA/WIAF offers our members the opportunity to participate in our monthly webinars. One of the benefits of membership is access to our previous webinars with America’s leading scientists and engineers.



We look forward to continuing our legacy relationships and welcoming a new generation of NanoBCA/WIAF members.

Once again, we are honored to have Ed Youdell present on our next webinar. We hope you can join us!

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

NNI Nanoinformatics Conference & US-EU NanoEHS CORs Workshop Nov 15-17 Washington DC

Posted on November 20th, 2023 | No Comments »

The NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) would like to recommend the following in-person events:



NNI Nanoinformatics Conference and US-EU NanoEHS CORs Workshop
In-person – L’Enfant Plaza, SW, Washington, DC

NNI Nanoinformatics Conference November 15, 2023

2023 U.S.-EU NanoEHS Communities of Research Workshop
November 16–17, 2023

The National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO), on behalf of the U.S. Government’s National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), invites you to participate in the NNI Nanoinformatics Conference and the 11th meeting of the U.S.-EU NanoEHS Communities of Research (CORs).

U.S. and European nanoEHS scientists participating in this transatlantic nanoEHS COR collaboration will come together during the 2023 workshop of the NanoEHS CORs to share highlights of COR activities over the past year and to discuss opportunities and challenges for nanoEHS research in the evolving nanotechnology landscape. Through a mix of plenary and interactive activities, the nanoEHS COR community will continue the work of bridging perspectives and approaches across regions. The 2023 meeting will provide an opportunity for this vibrant nanosafety research community to share perspectives on emerging research trends and discuss strategies to build connections beyond the United States and the European Union. Workshop topics will complement the NNI’s efforts to update its 2011 EHS Research Strategy.

The Nanoinformatics Conference, which will be held on Nov. 15, immediately before the COR Workshop, is being organized in support of the continued growth of the U.S. nanoinformatics research infrastructure and to foster greater interdisciplinary and international connections within the informatics community. The conference will highlight some of the lessons learned, as well as opportunities and challenges for leveraging data across multiple scales and disciplines. The NNI anticipates that the techniques, tools, and approaches to address the complexity of nanoscale data may provide breakthrough perspectives and new collaborations to tackle pressing environmental and societal challenges.













In addition to recommending events that are relevant to our nanotechnology community, NanoBCA offers our members the opportunity to participate in our monthly webinars. Our monthly webinars address topics involving the relationship between the science of nanotechnology and Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS), US Legislation, Education, Finance, Manufacturing and Foreign Policy.



One of the benefits of NanoBCA membership is access to our previous webinars with America’s leading scientists and engineers.

We look forward to continuing our legacy relationships and welcoming a new generation of NanoBCA members.

Once again, we highly recommend the NNI Nanoinformatics Conference and 2023 U.S.-EU NanoEHS Communities of Research Workshop.