Archive for June, 2015

NanoBCA Recommends: A Call for Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenges

Posted on June 22nd, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

We would like to share with you an announcement (Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenges for the Next Decade) posted on the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) website by Lloyd Whitman, Assistant Director for Nanotechnology at the OSTP and Tom Kalil, Deputy Director for Technology and Innovation at OSTP.

On June 17, the Office of Science and Technology Policy issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking suggestions for Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenges for the Next Decade. A Grand Challenge is an ambitious but achievable goal that requires advances in science and technology to achieve, and that has the potential to capture the public’s imagination.

Under the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), scientists, engineers, and educators are building a future in which the ability to understand and control matter at the nanoscale leads to a revolution in technology and industry. The collective effort of this community to achieve the vision of the NNI has greatly accelerated the discovery, development, and deployment of nanotechnology to address broad national needs.

In a recent review of the NNI, the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology called for government agencies, industry, and the research community to identify and pursue nanotechnology Grand Challenges. Through today’s RFI, we want to hear your game-changing ideas for Grand Challenges that harness nanoscience and nanotechnology to solve important national or global problems. These Grand Challenges should stimulate additional public and private investment, and foster the commercialization of Federally-funded nanotechnology research.

What would a nanotechnology-inspired Grand Challenge look like? Although nanoscale science and technology is a broadly enabling discipline, not every worthwhile Grand Challenge is going to be solved using nanotechnology. But we believe there are compelling, ambitious challenges where the known benefits of nanoscale science and technology are likely to play an important role in solving the problem. Here are some examples developed by the NNI agencies, working with the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office and OSTP (see the RFI for more details):

By 2025, the nanotechnology R&D community is challenged to achieve the following:

  1. Increase the five-year survival rates by 50% for the most difficult to treat cancers.
  2. Create devices no bigger than a grain of rice that can sense, compute, and communicate without wires or maintenance for 10 years, enabling an “internet of things” revolution.
  3. Create computer chips that are 100 times faster yet consume less power.
  4. Manufacture atomically-precise materials with fifty times the strength of aluminum at half the weight and the same cost.
  5. Reduce the cost of turning sea water into drinkable water by a factor of four.
  6. Determine the environmental, health, and safety characteristics of a nanomaterial in a month.

What would you propose? Read more about what makes an effective Grand Challenge and how to propose your own Nanotechnology-Inspired Grand Challenges for the Next Decade and comment on these examples here. Responses must be received by July 16, 2015 to be considered.

I encourage all NanoBCA members and members of the nanotechnology community to respond to the White House OSTP challenge.  I know I am going to!


Vincent Caprio “Serving the Nanotechnology Community for Over a Decade”
Executive Director
NanoBusiness Commercialization Association

Save the Date – Water 2.0 Data Analytics Conference 11/18 Washington DC

Posted on June 22nd, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments »












Water 2.0 – Data Analytics for the Water Industry Conference
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Conference Location:
Foley & Lardner LLP
3000 K Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20007-5109

The Water Innovations Alliance Foundation (WIAF) is proud to announce our Water 2.0 Data Analytics for the Water Industry Conference.  The event will take place on Wednesday, November 18th at the law offices of Foley & Lardner in Washington, DC.  This event is being organized by our newest WIAF member, Wichita State University’s, Applied Technology Acceleration Institute (ATAI).

Wichita State logo





Water enters the digital era. Big Data Solutions, Information Powered Utilities and Smarter Customers. The Water 2.0 – Data Analytics for the Water Industry Conference will focus on the use of data analytics, software and cyber security for water utilities. Participants will include water and energy industry authorities, utilities professionals and representatives from the EPA.  Registration will open at 8:AM.  Lunch is included in the registration fee.  The conference will wrap-up at 5:PM followed by networking.


We have recruited some of the water industry’s top software professionals.  Speakers will include:

Kenneth E. Russell, Ph.D., Executive Director, Applied Technology Acceleration Institute – Wichita State University

Robert J. Gates, P.E., Global Marketing Director Manufacturing, GE Intelligent Platforms

Alan Hinchman, Chief Operating Officer, WaterCura

Christopher Peacock, Director Strategic Accounts, FATHOM

Erik Hromadka, CEO, Global Water Technologies

Further agenda updates will be available next month.


Here Come the Waterworks: An Anniversary Perspective on Water’s Past and Future
By Alan Hinchman
GE – Our Water Counts Blog

Are You Tired of the Drought Yet?
By Chris Peacock
GE – Our Water Counts Blog

Water Crisis Becomes Food Crisis
By Richard Kreidler
GE – Our Water Counts Blog

What Analytics Do Water People Need?
By Jeff Martin
GE – Our Water Counts Blog

Will Science Help Ease Our Water Issues?
By Laurence Mann
GE – Our Water Counts Blog

Innovation Returns to Water Utilities in America
By Vincent Caprio
GE – Our Water Counts Blog

Start making your plans for the fall.  We hope to see you in DC in November!  Save the date, Wednesday, November 18th.


Vincent Caprio
Founder & Executive Director
Water Innovations Alliance Foundation

Our NanoBCA Members at the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP) Meeting May 20, 2015

Posted on June 1st, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

New Initiatives to Accelerate the Commercialization of Nanotechnology

Posted by Lloyd Whitman, Tom Kalil, and JJ Raynor on May 20, 2015 at 05:42 PM EDT

Today, May 20, the National Economic Council and the Office of Science and Technology Policy held a forum at the White House to discuss opportunities to accelerate the commercialization of nanotechnology.










Participants in the White House Forum on Small Business Challenges to Commercializing Nanotechnology. (Photo credit: Lloyd Whitman)

Over the last fifteen years, the Federal government has invested over $20 billion in nanotechnology R&D as part of the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), working towards breakthroughs such as smart anticancer therapeutics that will destroy tumors while leaving healthy cells untouched, and lighter, thinner body armor that could save the lives of America’s soldiers.

A recent review of the NNI by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) concluded that:

“…the nanotechnology field is at a critical transition point and has entered its second era, which we call NNI 2.0.  This next technological generation will see the evolution from nanoscale components to interdisciplinary nanosystems and the movement from a foundational researchbased initiative to one that also provides the necessary focus to ensure rapid commercialization of nanotechnology.”

In recognition of the importance of nanotechnology R&D, representatives from companies, government agencies, colleges and universities, and non-profits are announcing a series of new and expanded public and private initiatives that complement the Administration’s efforts to accelerate the commercialization of nanotechnology and expand the nanotechnology workforce:

  • The Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at SUNY Polytechnic Institute in Albany, NY and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health are launching the Nano Health & Safety Consortium to advance research and guidance for occupational safety and health in the nanoelectronics and other nanomanufacturing industry settings.
  • Raytheon has brought together a group of representatives from the defense industry and the Department of Defense to identify collaborative opportunities to advance nanotechnology product development, manufacturing, and supply-chain support with a goal of helping the U.S. optimize development, foster innovation, and take more rapid advantage of new commercial nanotechnologies.
  • BASF Corporation is taking a new approach to finding solutions to nanomanufacturing challenges. In March, BASF launched a prize-based “NanoChallenge” designed to drive new levels of collaborative innovation in nanotechnology while connecting with potential partners to co-create solutions that address industry challenges.
  • OCSiAl is expanding the eligibility of its “iNanoComm” matching grant program that provides low-cost, single-walled carbon nanotubes to include more exploratory research proposals, especially proposals for projects that could result in the creation of startups and technology transfers.
  • The NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) is partnering with Venture for America and working with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to promote entrepreneurship in nanotechnology.  Three companies (PEN, NanoMech, and SouthWest NanoTechnologies), are offering to support NSF’s Innovation Corps (I-Corps) program with mentorship for entrepreneurs-in-training and, along with three other companies (NanoViricides, mPhase Technologies, and Eikos), will partner with Venture for America to hire recent graduates into nanotechnology jobs, thereby strengthening new nanotech businesses while providing needed experience for future entrepreneurs.
  • TechConnect is establishing a Nano and Emerging Technologies Student Leaders Conference to bring together the leaders of nanotechnology student groups from across the country. The conference will highlight undergraduate research and connect students with venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders.  Five universities have already committed to participating, led by the University of Virginia Nano and Emerging Technologies Club.
  • Brewer Science, through its Global Intern Program, is providing more than 30 students from high schools, colleges, and graduate schools across the country with hands-on experience in a wide range of functions within the company.  Brewer Science plans to increase the number of its science and engineering interns by 50% next year and has committed to sharing best practices with other nanotechnology businesses interested in how internship programs can contribute to a small company’s success.
  • The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology is expanding its partnership with the National Science Foundation to provide hands-on experience for students in NSF’s Advanced Technology Education program. The partnership will now run year-round and will include opportunities for students at Hudson Valley Community College and the University of the District of Columbia Community College.
  • Federal agencies participating in the NNI, supported by the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office, are launching multiple new activities aimed at educating students and the public about nanotechnology, including image and video contests highlighting student research, a new webinar series focused on providing nanotechnology information for K-12 teachers, and a searchable web portal on of nanoscale science and engineering resources for teachers and professors.

As the President observed in his most recent State of the Union, “Twenty-first century businesses will rely on American science and technology, research and development.”  We call on all sectors of the nanotechnology community to identify additional ways to work together and make sure more of those businesses are built on nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Learn More:

Lloyd Whitman is Assistant Director for Nanotechnology at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Tom Kalil is Deputy Director for Technology and Innovation at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

JJ Raynor is Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy at the National Economic Council.


WIAF Founder Caprio Joins Wichita State University’s ATAI

Posted on June 1st, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

ATAI hires Vincent Caprio to identify water, energy technology opportunities

Vincent-Caprio-photo-2013---borderWichita State University’s Applied Technology Acceleration Institute (ATAI) has hired an advisor to aid in expanding the institute’s impact in the water and energy industries.

Vincent Caprio, Founder and Executive Director of the Water Innovations Alliance Foundation, will provide ATAI with the insight and connections necessary to identify technology-based solution opportunities in these new fields.

Caprio will serve as a cloud director, a new model being pioneered by ATAI to bring unparalleled talent to Wichita State, regardless of physical geography, and leveraging Cisco’s Telepresence Collaboration technology and Jive Software’s Jive-n Community solution to connect industry leaders with ATAI partners, students and staff.

“Vincent is exceptionally well-versed in a broad spectrum of emerging technologies that impact our country’s energy and water infrastructure,” said Ken Russell, ATAI Executive Director. “He understands the dynamic role technology can play in solving current problems as well how market-driven technology solutions can provide keen insight into future trends.”

Caprio has coordinated numerous Water 2.0 conferences during the past five years and has been a noted speaker at numerous emerging technology conferences throughout America over the past two decades. He is also a frequent contributor to GE’s Our Water Counts, a movement dedicated to bringing proven solutions to the municipal water industry in order to help utilities work smarter and upgrade systems effectively.

“I am thrilled to become part the ATAI team and to collaborate on finding innovative solutions to difficult challenges,” said Caprio. “That’s what Wichita State’s Innovation Campus is all about.

Having been an association leader for years in both the water and energy sectors, I know the challenges facing the nation’s water infrastructure are extremely difficult and these sectors will greatly benefit from ATAI’s strategy to promote a practical approach to solving such complex technology problems.”

The Water Innovations Alliance Foundation, a founding partner of ATAI, is dedicated to informing the public about emerging water technologies, which can play a critical role in maintaining and repairing the nation’s outdated water infrastructure.

ATAI is a key component of WSU’s Innovation Campus strategy. The institute promotes a practical approach to solving complex technology problems. ATAI is focused on building strong partnerships and providing applied and experiential learning opportunities for students while transforming the very way the educational experience is developed, packaged, delivered and supported.

Photos and “Thank You!” for attending NanoBCA’s annual DC Conference

Posted on June 1st, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments »