The NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) highly recommends the following event:
Since its inception, the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) has emphasized the importance of responsible development, and social scientists have played important roles in the interdisciplinary research that supports fundamental and applied research in nanotechnology. Following this tradition, the NNI and the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO) are convening a workshop to bring together federal experts in nanotechnology with social scientists with expertise on specific tools and frameworks relevant to the responsible development of emerging technologies. The agenda will include a presentation about the recently released “Blueprint for the Use of Social and Behavioral Science to Advance Evidence-Based Policymaking,” introductions to key nanotechnology case studies by federal experts, and flash talks by social scientists. The meeting will promote brainstorming new intersections between social science and nanotechnology R&D with the goals of i) integrating social science into future visions of interdisciplinary research, development, and training, and ii) reinvigorating networks that connect the NNI to the social science community.
Meeting Location:
470 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Suite 8001, Washington, DC 20024. Directions are available here.
Virtual participation is also available, but online attendees will not be able to contribute to small group discussions in the afternoon session. Questions may be collected from online participants to inform the meeting.
Register today to listen in on this important exchange:
9:00am Welcome and introductions
9:30am Presentation and Q&A on the “Blueprint for the Use of Social and Behavioral Science to Advance Evidence-Based Policymaking”
9:55am Presentation and Q&A on the ELSI section of the National Nanotechnology Initiative Environmental, Health, and Safety Research Strategy: 2024 Update
10:15am Break
10:30am Social Science Flash Talks (10 mins each)
12:00pm Lunch
12:45pm Social Science Flash Talks (10 mins each)
1:30pm Nanotechnology Case Studies – Introductions by NSET agency representatives
2:15pm Break
2:30pm Small-group discussions (rotating among case studies) [Note: this portion of the agenda unavailable to online participants]
4:30pm Report Out and Discussion
4:45pm Closing and Next Steps
Briñas, Raymond FDA, Office of Food Additive Safety
Brough, Branden NNCO, Director
Chen, Kaiping University of Wisconsin – Madison; Communication Strategies with Diverse Groups
Chen, Hongda USDA/NIFA
Chen, Jermont NIH/NBIB, Division of Discovery Science and Technology
Daemmrich, Arthur Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes; Chemical Risk, Testing and Regulatory Cultures
Delborne, Jason NNCO, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow
Evans, Sam Weiss National Security Commission on Emerging Biotechnology; Emerging Technologies and Security
Grieger, Khara North Carolina State University; Risk Analysis, Stakeholder Engagement
Haes, Amanda DOE/Basic Energy Sciences
Hartley, Sarah University of Exeter (UK); Risk Assessment, Responsible Innovation
Merid, Beza Arizona State University; Digital Health and Racial Justice
Nelson, John P. Georgia Institute of Technology; Public Value Mapping, Ethics of Emerging Tech
Palmer, Megan Gingko Bioworks; iGEM Policy and Practice Program
Spadola, Quinn NNCO, Deputy Director
Shelley-Egan, Clare Delft University of Technology; Responsible Development and Nanotechnology
Tomblin, David University of Maryland; Participatory Technology Assessment
Udu-gama, Natasha American Geophysical Union – Thriving Earth Exchange; Community Science
Vietas, Jay NIOSH/Nanotechnology Research Center
Zhernenkov, Misha DOE/Basic Energy Sciences
For further information, contact:
Jason Delborne, AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow, NNCO
We hope you will be able to participate!