Archive for August, 2022

NanoBCA Webinar – Weds 8/31 2PM ET

Posted on August 30th, 2022 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Wednesday, August 31, 2022
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (EDT)


2:00-2:10  Opening Remarks
Vincent Caprio
Executive Director, NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA)

Fauci to leave Biden administration in December
The Hill

Walensky, Citing Botched Pandemic Response, Calls for C.D.C. Reorganization
The New York Times

Welcoming New NanoBCA Individual Member, Brian Berman, Co-Founder, Corporate Development & Chief Impact Officer of IPwe.

2:10-2:30  EHS Update 
Lynn L. Bergeson
Managing Director, Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.
NanoBCA EHS Chair

American Bar Association’s ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources 30th Fall Conference
September 21-23, 2022
Nashville, TN

EPA New Chemicals Program Will Discontinue Use of Exposure Modeling Thresholds When Assessing Health and Environmental Risks

USDA Accepting Applications for $100 Million in Biofuel Infrastructure Grants

2:30-3:00  COVID-19 Update
2021 NanoBCA Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient
Sam Brauer, PhD
Founder & Principal, Nanotech Plus

3:00 Conclusion


We are pleased to announce that the NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) is holding a raffle fundraiser to award scholarships for the future leaders of the Nanotechnology Community.


Raffle tickets $25 each BUY TICKETS

50% of the winnings will go to the scholarship fund

50% of the winnings will go to the raffle winner

We hope you join the initiative to fund the next generation of Nanotechnology leaders.

NanoBCA Recommends: ABA Environment, Energy, and Resources 30th Fall Conference

Posted on August 23rd, 2022 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

The NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) would like to recommend the following:

American Bar Association’s ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources 30th Fall Conference
September 21-23, 2022
Nashville, TN

The American Bar Association’s (ABA) Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources (SEER) 30th Fall Conference will look at rapidly emerging developments in environmental, energy, and resources law, including the novel approaches taken to bring solutions to climate change, sustainability, clean air, clean water, chemical management, environmental justice, and other transformative issues. Lynn L. Bergeson, Managing Partner, Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®), will present during the “Periodic Review: Reinvigorated Chemical Product Regulation under FIFRA and TSCA” session.




An amazing slate of programming and speakers is planned for Nashville. In addition to being the 30th anniversary of the Fall Conference, this year also coincides with the 50th anniversaries of monumental federal environmental laws that include the Clean Water Act; the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; the Ocean Dumping Act; the Coastal Zone Management Act; and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. The Conference will reflect on this legacy and other historic environmental laws as it focuses on the future, including emerging topics and trends that are fundamentally changing the course of the legal practice.

Senior Biden administration officials and experienced practitioners will share their insights on a host of thought-provoking issues. The Conference will look at rapidly emerging developments in environmental, energy, and resources law, including the novel approaches taken to bring solutions to climate change, sustainability, clean air, clean water, chemical management, environmental justice, and other transformative issues.

The Conference will also highlight the Section’s focus on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives. We are mindful that after the Conference location was contracted, Tennessee passed a series of laws that discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community. Nashville officials have opposed those laws and stated that they will not enforce them. We are pleased that the Mayor of Nashville, John Cooper, has agreed to speak to these issues in his conference opening remarks. The Section prides itself on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment at our events and does not tolerate prejudice or discrimination. We are also mindful that Tennessee has recently brought into force laws relating to reproductive choice that many of our members strongly oppose. The position of the American Bar Association can be found here.

Whether you work in the public, private, or nonprofit sectors, this is a conference that you will not want to miss.


The NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) is holding a raffle fundraiser to award scholarships for the future leaders of the Nanotechnology Community.


Raffle tickets $25 each BUY TICKETS

Drawing held on September 5th

50% of the winnings will go to the scholarship fund

50% of the winnings will go to the raffle winner

We hope you join the initiative to fund the next generation of Nanotechnology leaders.

In addition to recommending events that are relevant to our nanotechnology community, NanoBCA offers our members the opportunity to participate in our monthly webinars. Our monthly webinars address topics involving the relationship between the science of nanotechnology and Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS), US Legislation, Covid-19, Education, Finance, Manufacturing and Foreign Policy.

Our next NanoBCA webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, August 31st at 2PM ET.





One of the benefits of NanoBCA membership is access to our previous webinars with America’s leading scientists and engineers.

We look forward to continuing our legacy relationships and welcoming a new generation of NanoBCA members.

Once again, we highly recommend the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources (SEER) 30th Fall Conference.

National Nanotechnology Initiative Releases Retrospective Video Highlighting Past 20 Years

Posted on August 10th, 2022 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

The NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) would like to recommend the following:

National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) Releases Video Trailer to Highlight Documentary on NNI over the Past 20 Years – Produced by TV Worldwide

NNI Retrospective Video: Creating a National Initiative

Washington, D.C., August 4, 2022 – TV Worldwide, since 1999, a pioneering web-based global TV network, announced that it was releasing a video trailer highlighting a previously released documentary on NNI over the past 20 years, entitled, ‘NNI Retrospective Video: Creating a National Initiative’.

The video and its trailer were produced in cooperation with the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), the National Science Foundation and the University of North Carolina Greensboro.

The 3-minute video trailer can be viewed by clicking here.

The full video documentary can be viewed by clicking here.

Video Documentary Synopsis

Nanotechnology is a megatrend in science and technology at the beginning of the 21 Century. The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) has played a key role in advancing the field after it was announced by President Clinton in January 2000. Neil Lane was Presidential Science Advisor. Mike Roco proposed the initiative at the White House in March 1999 on behalf of the Interagency Working Group on Nanotechnology and was named the founding Chair of NSET to implement NNI beginning with Oct. 2000. NSF led the preparation of this initiative together with other agencies including NIH, DoD, DOE, NASA, and EPA. Jim Murday was named the first Director of NNCO to support NSET. The scientific and societal success of NNI has been recognized in the professional communities, National Academies, PCAST, and Congress. Nanoscale science, engineering and technology are strongly connected and collectively called Nanotechnology.

This video documentary was made after the 20th NNI grantees conference at NSF. It is focused on creating and implementing NNI, through video interviews. The interviews focused on three questions: (a) Motivation and how NNI started; (b) The process and reason for the success in creating NNI; (c) Outcomes of NNI after 20 years, and how the initial vision has been realized.

About the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI)

The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is a U.S. Government research and development (R&D) initiative. Over thirty Federal departments, independent agencies, and commissions work together toward the shared vision of a future in which the ability to understand and control matter at the nanoscale leads to ongoing revolutions in technology and industry that benefit society. The NNI enhances interagency coordination of nanotechnology R&D, supports a shared infrastructure, enables leveraging of resources while avoiding duplication, and establishes shared goals, priorities, and strategies that complement agency-specific missions and activities.

The NNI participating agencies work together to advance discovery and innovation across the nanotechnology R&D enterprise. The NNI portfolio encompasses efforts along the entire technology development pathway, from early-stage fundamental science through applications-driven activities. Nanoscience and nanotechnology are prevalent across the R&D landscape, with an ever-growing list of applications that includes nanomedicine, nanoelectronics, water treatment, precision agriculture, transportation, and energy generation and storage. The NNI brings together representatives from multiple agencies to leverage knowledge and resources and to collaborate with academia and the private sector, as appropriate, to promote technology transfer and facilitate commercialization. The breadth of NNI-supported infrastructure enables not only the nanotechnology community but also researchers from related disciplines.

In addition to R&D efforts, the NNI is helping to build the nanotechnology workforce of the future, with focused efforts from K–12 through postgraduate research training. The responsible development of nanotechnology has been an integral pillar of the NNI since its inception, and the initiative proactively considers potential implications and technology applications at the same time. Collectively, these activities ensure that the United States remains not only the place where nanoscience discoveries are made, but also where these discoveries are translated and manufactured into products to benefit society.

About TV Worldwide

Founded in 1999, TV, Inc. (t/a TV Worldwide, Inc., is a veteran-owned Internet TV solutions company that developed the first network of community-based Internet TV channels, primarily targeting niche enterprise/professional audiences ranging from the maritime industry to the cybersecurity and federal/public sectors. Known by many in the industry as “Intelligent Internet TV,” Fortune 500 companies, 40 federal government agencies, and numerous associations including the National Association of Broadcasters have partnered with TV Worldwide to utilize TV Worldwide’s live and on-demand state-of-the art video streaming content applications and Internet TV channels. In recognition of the company’s pioneering unique achievements in new media solutions and content development, TV Worldwide has been selected by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) to webcast past Daytime Emmy Awards and the Emmy awards for Technology and Engineering. TV Worldwide Chairman and CEO Dave Gardy, has been honored by Streaming Media Magazine as one of the 25 Most Influential People in Streaming Media. Mr. Gardy also has served as the President of the International Webcasting Association (IWA) and was a member of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Corporate Council.


The NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) is holding a raffle fundraiser to award scholarships for the future leaders of the Nanotechnology Community.


Raffle tickets $25 each BUY TICKETS

Drawing held on September 5th

50% of the winnings will go to the scholarship fund

50% of the winnings will go to the raffle winner

We hope you join the initiative to fund the next generation of Nanotechnology leaders.

In addition to recommending events that are relevant to our nanotechnology community, NanoBCA offers our members the opportunity to participate in our monthly webinars. Our monthly webinars address topics involving the relationship between the science of nanotechnology and Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS), US Legislation, Covid-19, Education, Finance, Manufacturing and Foreign Policy.

Our next NanoBCA webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, August 24th at 2PM ET.





One of the benefits of NanoBCA membership is access to our previous webinars with America’s leading scientists and engineers.

We look forward to continuing our legacy relationships and welcoming a new generation of NanoBCA members.

Once again, we highly recommend viewing the NNI Retrospective Video: Creating a National Initiative.