The Water Innovations Alliance Foundation (WIAF) would like to recommend the following in-person event.





WATERVENT, EPA and WaterCitizen: A Water Startup Matching Extravaganza!
Where the Water Startups Are the Heroes!
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Cincinnati OH

University of Cincinnati’s 1819 Innovation Hub
2900 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, OH

Join Watervent, USEPA and WaterCitizen for a Full Day of Pitches and Exhibits By More than 50 Water Startups PLUS “Reverse Pitches” by Investors, Water Sector and High-Water-Use/Impact Sector Leaders, and Incubators!

This is not a “Speakerfest!” Our Goal for this event is to get EVERY Water Startup Matched with an Investor, Funder, Client, Incubator or Partner!

For water entrepreneurs, investors, utility and industry leaders, incubators, and water innovation enthusiasts!


In addition to recommending events that are relevant to our nanotechnology and water communities, NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA)/Water Innovations Alliance Foundation (WIAF) offers our members the opportunity to participate in our monthly webinars. Our monthly webinars address topics involving the relationship between the science of nanotechnology and Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS), US Legislation, Education, Finance, Manufacturing and Foreign Policy.



One of the benefits of NanoBCA/WIAF membership is access to our previous webinars with America’s leading scientists and engineers.

We look forward to continuing our legacy relationships and welcoming a new generation of NanoBCA/WIAF members.

Once again, we highly recommend the WATERVENT, EPA and WaterCitizen: A Water Startup Matching Extravaganza!