WIAF Recommends 2014 JSC Connect Water Quality & Purification Event – Jan. 9th
Posted on December 16th, 2013 | No Comments »
The Houston Technology Center and the Gulf Coast Regional Center of Innovation and Commercialization, in partnership with the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC), will be hosting a series of JSC Connect events in 2014. Each event will focus on a technology area of strategic interest to NASA’s human spaceflight program, which may also have considerable potential for non-aerospace applications.
The purpose of the JSC Connect events is to identify potential partnerships for joint development collaborations or potential commercialization of JSC’s technologies. Attendees should be representatives of those organizations with an active interest in the technology area and in potentially partnering with the JSC or other industry or research institution organizations. In addition to presentations by JSC project teams, attendees will also have an opportunity to give a brief presentation on their activities and/or interests in the technology.
Because of the nature of these events, attendance will be limited and invitations will be extended only to organizations with an interest in the technology area and potentially having a partnership with the JSC or other attendees.
If interested in any of the event technology areas, please complete the online registration form so we can include you in the events for those technology areas which may have the biggest impact for you or your organization http://www.gulfcoastrcic.org/JSC_Connect_Registration.htm
Please forward this message to the appropriate individuals in your organization, or with any organizations you are aware of, who have an active interest in technologies in any of the following areas:
Water Quality & Purification – Thursday, January 9
JSC’s interests include inorganic contaminant removal including silver (used as a biocide) and Ca (which accumulates from human waste); elimination of biofouling; debrining and heavy metals removal; detection and identification of salts, bacteria, and fungi; detection and removal of pharmaceutical byproducts; residual solid waste packaging; closed loop water recovery; and zero discharge systems. Specific technologies being investigated include optical detection and salinity monitoring; forward and reverse osmosis; nanotube membrane filtration; low level bacterial/fungi detection and characterization; photo and electrochemical techniques to replace HT catalytic oxidation in final polishing; novel techniques for final debrining and solids waste packaging; and overall water management in complex systems. JSC is interested in partnering on further development of these technologies, including the scale up of recovery for both potable and re-use applications.
Robotics – Thursday, February 27
Telemedicine – Thursday, April 24
RFID – Thursday, June 26
Energy Storage & Management – Thursday, August 21
The NASA Johnson Space Center is actively developing a broad range of new technologies to support the human spaceflight program, and many of these technologies have significant potential for non-aerospace applications, that may provide significant benefits for partners by working together with JSC’s technology development teams.
For more information, please contact:
Bob Prochnow, Director of the Gulf Coast RCIC (Bob.Prochnow@GulfCoastRCIC.org) or
Evelyn Boatman at the HTC-JSC Campus (EBoatman@HoustonTech.org)
Review of our Water 2.0-Water Management Summit
November 13-14, 2013
Rice University, Houston, TX
Here are a few recent articles from GE’s Our Water Counts
Holding Agriculture Accountable for Groundwater Use
Written by Vincent Caprio & Jordan Gilmore
How Much Water Is Left on Your Table this Thanksgiving?
Written by Jill Burdette
The Value of Interdependence on Water Management
Written by Doug McNair
Water Citizen Launches Keys to Water in Congress Program
Written by Cat Shrier
We encourage individuals interested in continuing our efforts to provide information in regard to emerging water technologies to become individual members of the WIAF. Click here to become a WIAF Individual Member. The annual Individual Membership fee is $100.
Wishing you and your family a happy holiday season.
Vincent Caprio
Executive Director
Water Innovations Alliance Foundation