Water 2.0 Conference – Oct 4-5 Pfeiffer University Charlotte NC
Posted on September 26th, 2017 | No Comments »
— Using Emerging Technologies to Update and Repair Water Infrastructure —
Water. So basic and so necessary, but a steady supply of safe drinking water could be at risk. Storms, floods, contamination, cyber-attacks, and terrorism are just some of the things that threaten our safe, potent water supply.
Water 2.0 Series brings together experts, to help utilities and the water industry protect our current water supply, and ensure the continued availability of “good” water.
The Water 2.0 Conference: Digitally Connecting the Water Industry will focus on the use of data analytics, software, cyber security for water utilities and industrial water users. Participants will include water and energy industry authorities, utilities professionals and representatives from the EPA.
What: Water 2.0 Conference: Digitally Connecting the Water Industry
When: October 4-5, 2017
Wednesday, October 4th Location
Pfeiffer University
1515 Mockingbird Lane
Charlotte NC 28209
Thursday, October 5th Location
Pfeiffer University
Henry Pfeiffer Chapel
48380 US-52
Misenheimer NC 28109
The first day of our conference is primarily geared toward water industry professionals. The second day is less technical in regard to the water industry. Some of the speakers from the first day will be repeated and the content will be directed towards students, financial, computer science and legal professionals who want to gain a general knowledge about the water industry.
Speakers for the Charlotte Water 2.0 Conference include:
Full list of speakers and agenda at www.water2.org.
Allison Chinchar, CNN Meteorologist
Adam Tank, GE Ventures
Alan Hinchman, Gray Matter Systems
Paul Gifford, Mueller Co.
Ken Russell, PhD, Pfeiffer University
Vincent Caprio, Water 2.0
Vincent Caprio, with Water 2.0, says “Water has become a hot topic again, in part because of recent news stories – like hurricane flooding, or the contaminated water in Flint, Michigan.” He adds, “Keeping our water supply safe and in abundance always has been an issue for those in the industry.”
Regarding the water supply and storms, CNN Meteorologist Allison Chinchar says “As we’ve seen with even the most recent hurricane season, as well as other severe storms, our precious drinking water supply can become contaminated and unusable for large areas – requiring bottled water to be brought in, or treating the contaminated water by boiling or with chemicals — all this while other areas suffer drought and water shortages.”
Dr. Ken Russell, with Pfeiffer University, says “Climate Change, Population Growth/Migration Patterns, Technology Advances (sensors, infrastructure, and access to data) all impact the water industry. At Pfeiffer, we pride ourselves on having relevant curricula for our students; the digital transformation of water systems — including automation and high performance computing — creates new and innovative learning environments and career opportunities for young scientists and water advocates. More than just updating and learning to repair water infrastructure, our students will be well positioned at the forefront of leading edge water solutions and systems.”
More about Water 2.0
The mission of the Water 2.0 Conference Series is to provide information in regard to emerging technologies to solve and repair water infrastructure problems. Water 2.0 is a joint venture with the Water Innovations Alliance Foundation (WIAF) and Pfeiffer University.
Additional Information:
Agenda, Speakers, Location, Registration, Info www.water2.org
Allison Chinchar, Meteorologist at CNN/HLN/CNN International. She considers herself a pluviophile who loves clouds, space, and animals. She earned her B.S. in Meteorology from The Ohio State University.
Adam Tank, Founder & CEO of Industrial Optic (a GE Ventures backed corporate spin-out)
Knowledgeable on submersible robots used for the inspection and repair of water pipelines. He will discuss Waterworld: The Hunt for What Lies Beneath.
Alan Hinchman, Vice President, Gray Matter Systems
Expert on the effects of flooding on water treatment centers.
Paul Gifford, Director R&D, Mueller Co. LLC
Kenneth E Russell, PhD, Vice President for Digital Transformation and CIO, Pfeiffer University and Author of Social Knowledge
Vincent Caprio, Water 2.0 Executive Director and Conference Chair
Questions in regard to the event may be directed to:
Vincent Caprio
Looking forward to seeing you in Charlotte on October 4th and 5th!