Livingston Securities & NanoBusiness Alliance NanoMedicine Webinar, Thurs. 7/22, 1PM EDT
Posted on July 7th, 2010 | No Comments »
I would like to invite you to our upcoming Webinar to be presented by Dr. Mostafa Analoui, Head of Healthcare and Life Sciences for The Livingston Group This Webinar is titled “NanoMedicine: Current State of Global R&D, Investment, and Future Outlook” and will be presented via a unique interactive online platform. This event will be held online on Thursday July 22, 2010 from 1-2PM EDT. Co-presented by the NanoBusiness Alliance, the webinar is a unique and by-invitation only event designed around important critical issues for innovators and investors.
Dr. Analoui’s presentation covers key R&D and product developments around use of nanotechnology in drug discovery, diagnostics and medical devices. He will also offer a snapshot of historical trends in investment, M&A and exits in this area, as well as what is shaping capital markets, especially in light of recent turmoil in the financial markets.
Dr. Analoui will also offer an outlook of regulatory environment, role of major pharmaceutical, diagnostic and medical device players in future R&D, venture investments and M&A deals.
Please confirm your participation with Zach Schultz Additional information for Virtual Reality platform and instructions for webinar will be sent to confirmed participants.
I have known Dr. Analoui for over 9 years and I find his insights and observations in regard to nano medicine to be valuable. I would like to share with you his bio.
Mostafa Analoui, Ph.D., is Head of Healthcare and Life Sciences at The Livingston Group (New York, NY) and Chairman and CEO of Cense Biosciences, Inc. Previously he was the Senior Director at Pfizer Global Research and Development. He is also adjunct Professor of Oral Pathology, Medicine and Radiology at Indiana University. Dr. Analoui is actively involved in investment, management and scientific/business development of nanotechnology, drug discovery/development, diagnostic imaging, and global strategies.
While at Pfizer, he was the Site Head for Global Clinical Technology in Groton and New London, a division focusing on emerging technologies for development and validation of biomarkers and diagnostics for drug development. Prior to joining Pfizer, Dr. Analoui was the Director of Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging Research, Associate Professor of Radiology at Indiana University, and Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical & Comp Engineering at Purdue University. He was also President and CEO of Therametric Technology Inc. He has received his Ph.D. from Purdue University, followed by Post-Doctoral Fellowship at IBM TJ Watson Research Center in NY.
In addition to industry leadership in biomedical and technology fields, he consults and lectures in US, Europe and Asia. He has also served on various scientific, regulatory, and business advisory committees and boards, including NIH, NSF, PhRMA, NASA, and OECD. Dr. Analoui has authored over 130 publications, including journal articles, book chapters and technical reports. He is senior member of IEEE, SPIE, and RSNA.
He currently serves as board member of VirtualScopics (Nasdaq: VSCP), Calando Pharmaceutical (Nasdaq: ARWR), BEACON (Biomedical Engineering Alliance and Consortium) and Advisory Board for the NanoBusiness Alliance.
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We look forward to having you participate in this exciting event.
Vincent Caprio “Serving the Nanotechnology Community for Over a Decade”
Executive Director
NanoBusiness Alliance