We wanted to thank everyone for joining us on February 26th at Water 2.0 located at 30 Rockefeller Center in NYC.  We have received over a dozen emails complementing us on our program. We would like to thank GE, Our Water Counts and our WIAF Corporate Members.

We would like to provide a review of our Conference.  Here is the link to the Water 2.0 Speaker Presentations: http://www.waterinnovations.org/presentations2013.php

Many of our attendees have inquired about getting more involved with WIAF.  Individual Memberships are available and you can join today!  As an Individual Member you will be invited to participate in our monthly Conference Call. Our next is on Thursday, March 28th.

Become an Individual Member: http://www.vincentcaprio.org/become-a-wiamember

Today we would like to announce our next Water 2.0 Event scheduled to take place on Wednesday, May 15th. The conference will be held at 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 900 (9th Floor), Washington, DC.  Speaker information will be available in the next few weeks.

There are multiple ways to continue to be involved on a daily basis in the water conversation:

www.waterinnovations.org – Updates on our Water 2.0 Washington, DC Conference

www.OurWaterCounts.com – A great place to learn more about how water utilities are solving some tough challenges.  This is the home to the blogs of many of the speakers you saw in New York like: Terry Biederman, Alan Hinchman, Kyle Reissner, and myself.

www.growingblue.com – Features detailed analysis of the economic impact of water or in some cases the lack of.


@ourwatercounts – The single best twitter feed for news, interesting content, upcoming events and updates from Our Water Counts.
@nanovin – Updates on US Government Agency budgets


I look forward to hearing you on the next WIAF conference call on Thursday, March 28th.


Vincent Caprio
Executive Director
Water Innovations Alliance Foundation