Archive for September, 2020

NanoBCA Conference Call – 9/30 2PM ET

Posted on September 30th, 2020 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (EDT)

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United States: +1 (646) 749-3122

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2:00-2:05  Opening Remarks
Vincent Caprio
Executive Director, NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA)

A NanoBCA Retrospective – A Conversation with Vincent Caprio [PODCAST]
The National Law Review
Lynn L. Bergeson

ELI Presents: Annual Supreme Court Review & Preview: 2020
October 1, 2020

ELI and INECE Present: Community Science and Water Pollution
October 9, 2020

Nanotechnology and Society: A Conversation with Jamey Wetmore
Stories from the NNI Podcast

Nanotech Filter Coating Offers Promise Against COVID-19
University of Houston

2:05-2:15  EHS Update
Lynn L. Bergeson
Managing Director, Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.
NanoBCA EHS Chair

Invaluable Training on the Essentials of TSCA
TSCA Fundamentals
October 19, 21, 26, & 29, 2020

EPA Releases Final Rule Intended to Promote Transparency in Developing Regulatory Guidance Documents

Recent Federal Developments

2:15-2:35 COVID Update
Sam Brauer, PhD
Founder & Principal, Nanotech Plus

2:35-2:45 Wall Street Update
Scott Livingston
CEO, Livingston Securities

2:45-2:50 Q&A

2:50  Conclusion

A NanoBCA Retrospective — A Conversation with Vincent Caprio [PODCAST]

Posted on September 22nd, 2020 in Uncategorized | No Comments »


Thursday, September 17, 2020

This week I sat down with Vincent Caprio, Founder and Executive Director of the NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA). Vince has been on the forefront of nano innovations and optimizing opportunities for businesses to commercialize their nano creations for more than two decades. In founding the NanoBCA, Vince has placed it at the center of nanotechnology commercialization, national policy, law, and business since the beginning of the public’s focus on nanotechnology. NanoBCA has provided a much-needed spotlight on how nanotechnology has been a critical driver for the development of advanced materials, smart technology, innovations in chemistry, and a diverse range of other initiatives that have greatly benefited many economic sectors of the economy. As Chair of the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Committee of the NanoBCA, I have long admired Vince’s vision, organization-building skills, and his seemingly endless list of contacts — there is no one in Washington, D.C., or elsewhere, whom Vince does not know!

In our conversation, Vince shares a bit about the early days of nanotechnology, how NanoBCA helped frame critical EHS issues in a way that moved the technology forward, his relationship with and deep engagement in the activities of the National Nanotechnology Initiative, his engagement with key Senators and Representatives on nano matters, and what’s next for nanotechnology after the 2020 elections.

About the Author

Lynn Bergeson, Campbell PC, Toxic Substances Control Act Attorney, federal insecticide lawyer, industrial biotechnology legal counsel, Food Drug Administration law

Lynn L. Bergeson
Managing Partner
Bergeson & Campbell PC

Lynn L. Bergeson has earned an international reputation for her deep and expansive understanding of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), European Union Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), and especially how these regulatory programs pertain to nanotechnology, industrial biotechnology, synthetic biology, and other emerging transformative technologies.

NanoBCA Recommends: U.S.-EU NanoEHS COR Workshop – Sept 16-17 Virtual Meeting

Posted on September 10th, 2020 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

The NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) recommends the following virtual workshop.

2020 U.S.-EU NanoEHS COR Workshop: Bridging Insights and Perspectives
September 16-17, Virtual Meeting
6:30 (Pacific)/9:30 (Eastern)/15:30 (Central Europe) – 10:30/13:30/19:30


The U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) and European Commission have organized the ninth annual meeting of the nanoEHS Communities of Research (CORs) as a virtual workshop on September 16-17, 2020. As the nanoEHS research ecosystem continues to evolve, this event will identify future needs and opportunities. Conversations will further address how the lessons learned from nanoEHS research can be applied to other areas such as emerging technologies and incidental nanomaterials. The workshop will foster high-level discussions of nanoEHS and related areas to explore connections and synergies that will drive responsible development into the coming decades.

The event will run for four hours each day. Webcast plenaries will include a live Q&A portion. Breakout sessions will feature interactive discussion. Click here for the draft agenda.

For more details, please visit or contact:

We hope you will be able to participate!

OSTP, NSF & DOE Announce over $1B in Awards for AI & QIS Research Institutes

Posted on September 3rd, 2020 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

The NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) would like to share the following game-changing American scientific funding announcement:

White House Office of Technology Policy, National Science Foundation and Department of Energy Announce $1 Billion in Awards for Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Information Science Research Institutes

August 26, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced over $1 billion in awards for the establishment of 12 new artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum information science (QIS) research institutes nationwide. 

The $1 billion will go towards NSF-led AI Research Institutes and DOE QIS Research Centers over five years, establishing 12 multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional national hubs for research and workforce development in these critical emerging technologies. Together, the institutes will spur cutting edge innovation, support regional economic growth, and advance American leadership in these critical industries of the future. 

“Today, the Trump Administration is making an unprecedented investment to strengthen American leadership in AI and quantum, and to ensure the Nation benefits from these emerging technologies. Built upon the uniquely American free market approach to technological advancement, these institutes will be world-class hubs for accelerating American innovation and building the 21st century American workforce,” said U.S. Chief Technology Officer Michael Kratsios.

“Thanks to the leadership of President Trump, the United States is accomplishing yet another milestone in our efforts to strengthen research in AI and quantum. We are proud to announce that over $1 billion in funding will be geared towards that research, a defining achievement as we continue to shape and prepare this great Nation for excellence in the industries of the future,” said Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump.

“Today’s announcement captures the very best of our Nation’s innovation ecosystem. Through these institutes, the Federal government, private sector, and academia will come together to drive transformative AI and quantum breakthroughs. This is a significant achievement for the American people and the future of emerging technologies,” said Chris Liddell, White House Deputy Chief of Staff.

“The Department of Energy is a staunch supporter of cutting edge research to advance quantum information science,” said Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette. “I am proud to lead an Agency committed to developing industries of the future by making investments today to accelerate American innovation.”

“NSF’s long history of investment in AI research and workforce development paved the way for many of the breakthrough commercial technologies permeating and driving society today,” said NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan. “NSF invests more than $500 million in AI research annually. We are supporting seven NSF-led AI Institutes this year, with more to follow, creating hubs for academia, industry, and government to collaborate on profound discoveries and develop new capabilities to advance American competitiveness for decades to come.” 

“The Department of Energy is proud to be in partnership with a significant breadth of participants to support Quantum Information Science Centers around the country, and by allocating generous contributions from these participants we can continue to further scientific discovery through quantum technologies,” said Under Secretary for Science Paul Dabbar. “Our Nation continues to lead in the development of industries of the future, and these five centers will marshal the full strength of our National Laboratories, universities, and our public and private sector partnerships.”

NSF-Led AI Research Institutes

·    The National Science Foundation and additional Federal partners, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture, are awarding $140 million for seven NSF-led AI Research Institutes over five years to accelerate a number of AI R&D areas, such as machine-learning, synthetic manufacturing, precision agriculture, and forecasting prediction.

·    The NSF-led AI Research Institutes will be hosted by universities across the country, including at the University of Oklahoma at Norman, University of Texas at Austin, University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of California at Davis, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Click here for the full list of the NSF-led AI Institutes

·    NSF anticipates additional AI Research Institute awards in the coming years, with more than $300 million in total investment toward these national hubs expected by next summer.

·    This builds upon last month’s announcement of $75 million for three new Quantum Leap Challenges Institutes awarded by NSF.

DOE Quantum Information Science Research Centers

·    To establish the QIS Research Centers, the Department of Energy is awarding $625 million over five years to DOE’s Argonne, Brookhaven, Fermi, Oak Ridge and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, subject to appropriations. Each QIS Center incorporates a collaborative research team spanning multiple scientific and engineering disciplines and multiple institutions.

·    This award was met with $340 million in contributions from the private sector and academia.

·    The centers will focus on a range of key QIS research topics including quantum networking, sensing, computing, and materials manufacturing. Click here for the full list of DOE’s QIS Centers

·    The National Quantum Initiative Act, bipartisan legislation signed by President Trump in 2018, called for the creation of research centers nationwide to accelerate foundational QIS research and development. 

Earlier this year, President Trump committed to doubling investment in AI and QIS research and development over two years. Click here to view the latest report illustrating the Administration’s progress in delivering on this request. 

# # #

News Media Contact: (202) 586-4940

Quantum Information Science Centers
U.S. Department of Energy

The Trump Administration is Investing $1 Billion in Research Institutes to Advance Industries of the Future
Office of Science and Technology Policy
By Michael Kratsios and Chris Liddell

Kudos to the science and engineering community for this significant American funding announcement.