Vincent Caprio Takes Part in 9/11 Survivor and Responder Event
Posted on June 14th, 2022 | No Comments »
As a 9/11 survivor and responder, Vince Caprio of Easton said he was privileged to be part of a recent commemoration to mark the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks on America. VOICES Center for Resiliency invited members of the 9/11 community to participate in a solemn candle lighting service honoring responders, survivors, and those who have died of 9/11-related illness.
May 30 marks the 20th anniversary of the end of the nine-month rescue and recovery effort at Ground Zero. On that day, thousands attended the solemn ceremony where firefighters, law enforcement, and elected officials stood at attention as the last beam, draped in an American flag, was ceremoniously carried up the ramp.
To mark the milestone, VOICES honored the 9/11 responders and survivors with a candle lighting ceremony and panel discussion about the creation of the Memorial Glade with special guests Alice Greenwald, 9/11 Memorial & Museum president; Michael Arad, architect of the 9/11 Museum and Memorial Glade, and John Feal, activist.
You can view the panel discussion here.
From 9/11 to today, VOICES has been helping families and communities heal. Its mission is to assist communities recovering from tragedy and provide long-term support and resources that promote mental health care and wellness, for victims’ families, responders and survivors.