2:00-2:05  Opening Remarks
Vincent Caprio
Executive Director, NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA)

National Nanotechnology Coordination Office Announces Appointment of New Director and Deputy Director
Dr. Branden Brough is the new Director of the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO) and Dr. Quinn Spadola is its Deputy Director.

2:05-2:20  EHS Update 
Lynn L. Bergeson
Managing Director, Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.
NanoBCA EHS Chair

OECD Will Hold Webinar on Safer and Sustainable Innovation Approach for More Sustainable Nanomaterials and Nano-Enabled Products
November 3, 2022
9:30-11:30 EDT

GAO Recommends EPA Use New Data to Analyze the Demographics of Communities with PFAS in Their Drinking Water

EPA Announces the Release of Its Updated Lists of Disinfectants for Emerging Viral Pathogens, Including Ebola

2:20-2:30 Wall Street Update
Scott Livingston
CEO, Livingston Securities

2:30-2:45 Capitol Hill Update
Jim Hurd
Director, GreenScience Exchange

3:00 Conclusion






We are pleased to announce that the NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA) is holding a raffle fundraiser to award scholarships for the future leaders of the Nanotechnology Community.


Raffle tickets $25 each BUY TICKETS
50% of the winnings will go to the scholarship fund
50% of the winnings will go to the raffle winner

We hope you join the initiative to fund the next generation of Nanotechnology leaders.